
While some of these focus on retirement specifically, others are about ageism in general. To me, the two are intertwined. I don’t see how I can craft a happy and vibrant retirement without jettisoning some negative views about getting older.

Articles & Videos

Let’s End Ageism - Ashton Applewhite’s TED Talk, viewed almost 2 million times:

Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Psychologists are working to change that - From the American Psychological Association: “Pyschologists are examining the age discrimination that pervades American culture and helping people to reimagine healthier relationships with their older selves.”

Finding Joy in My Smaller Life - Cynthia Friedlob argues that joyful aging doesn’t have to mean climbing mountains, skydiving, or running marathons. Even if you disagree and want something ‘larger’ for your own life, it’s an important message about ageist attitudes toward those who make different choices.

What Does Retirement Really Mean? - The New York Times asked readers “to submit their stories of retirement – to share their experiences, as well as their advice.” An interesting sampling of varied viewpoints.

Energizing Action Against Ageism, May 21, 2024, A Gray Panthers NYC Transformation Tuesday webinar featuring Tracey Gendron, author of Ageism Unmasked: Exploring Age Bias and How to End It. Webinar video:

Books I’m Reading/Have Read/Want to Read

Breaking the Age Code - Becca Levy. Eye-opening research about how negative attitudes toward aging can be self-fulfilling – even to the point of shortening your life. On the flip side, positive attitudes can improve things like how well you walk and hear to how you perform on cognitive tasks. Important info for every stage of life.

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free - Ernie Zelinski. A bit over-the-top at times and a little too much emphasis on how great it is to retire early for my taste, but still some useful and important messages for those worried about losing their identities or being bored without work.

Wise Aging: Living with Joy, Resilience, & Spirit - Rabbi Rachel Cowan & Dr. Linda Thal. I purchased this after reading a sample chapter, seems like it will have some useful perspectives and tools on aging well.


Better Birthdays - Like me, you may not have thought much (until now!) about how supposedly “funny” birthday cards can reinforce views that aging and becoming old are terrible things. This is a good example of what’s meant by ageism being one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. But there are also cards with positive aging messages. Scroll down on the Better Birthdays page to see the US cards, the list starts with UK options). Changing the Narrative also has a direct link to its 2023 Anti-Ageist Birthday Cards in the US.

Changing the Narrative: Ending Ageism Together - The organization’s work “is now embedded in other organizations”, according to the site, but it’s left the website up with resources about combating ageism.

Old School: Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse - Collection of resources to educate people about ageism and how to work to end it.

Yo, Is This Ageist? - Ashton Applewhite answers questions about whether various ads, phrases, etc. are ageist.

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